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Powering Sustainable Growth in New Zealand

Join The Kakapo Impact-Driven Private Equity Fund and Invest in Responsible New Zealand Businesses

The Kākāpō Responsible Investment Partnership, has been designed to provide access to the private equity investment category whilst delivering
distributions, capital growth, and environmental and social impacts.

Invest in Established Businesses

Kākāpō’s investments are focused on existing environmentally or socially impactful businesses or ones which the Manager considers it can drive change capable of making an improved environmental, social and/or governance (“ESG”) impact.


Kakapo targets making quarterly distributions from the portfolio once fully invested.


The limited partnership investment model allows investors to effectively have direct investment in each of the businesses Kakapo owns.


Our fund delivers a winning combination: enjoy distributions, long-term capital growth, and ESG Impact investing.

Our Fund Delivers a Winning Combination: Enjoy Distributions, Long-Term Capital Growth, and ESG Impact Investing - All in One Investment

Experience the Benefits of Purposeful Investing

Private equity investment can provide some of the best investment returns in New Zealand as well as being sustainable investment. You can feel good about investing with Kakapo, we only invest responsibly with a focus on positive social and environmental impact.

Build Your Path to Permanent Residency in New Zealand

The Kakapo fund is an Acceptable Managed Fund for the purpose of the New Zealand investor visa, known as the Active Investor Plus visa ( This immigration investor programme is a unique way of obtaining permanent residency in New Zealand simply by investing in Kakapo.


Kakapo is a limited partnership that offers you the chance to invest in New Zealand private equity and importantly provides the additional benefits of:
Kakapo invests in established businesses that have opportunity to grow as well as holding strong existing market positions.

Businesses will have a responsible investment element to them already or the Manager may see a means to implement a better or new ESG outcome for the business.
The Kakapo Fund is part of a stable of investment offerings managed by the Bancorp New Zealand Group. Bancorp his one of the oldest and leading merchant and Investment banking organisations in New Zealand.

Bancorp provides services to company investors, wholesale investors, corporates covering areas including Treasury Services, Corporate Finance, private equity and private banking.

Want to know more?

Submit your details and one of our team will be in touch with more information.